Diverse group of women in casuals standing together with eyes closed

Book a Session

Healing ​Starts Here

With Healing Women Ministry

Hello, my name is Yanna Richardson. ​I’m in love with Jesus, I’m a mom of 3 ​a NaNa of 3, an Author, Life Coach, ​Mentor, and a Mental Health advocate. ​My passion in life is to teach and ​empower women to become healthier, ​using the word of God as the ​foundation.

Meet Our Team

Hello, I am Sam. T, Fierce lover of ​Jesus and gospel spreader. I am a mom ​of 2, operational manager, a Life Coach ​and group facilitator. I am passionate ​about my community and the ones who ​suffers socioeconomiclly.

Hi my name is Angela, I am a mom ​of 4 boys and a Jesus lover. I am a ​budget and accountability coach ​here to help others achieve financial ​stability.

Le​arn About Us

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We support you

We are a small organization dedicated to supporting and empowering women on their journey towards ​healing and wholeness.

religious world mission

Our Mission

Our mission includes fostering a sense of community, offering guidance and encouragement, and promoting ​self-care and personal growth among women who have experienced trauma, abuse, or life challenges.

Giving of Donation

What we Offer

We provide various resources, such as coaching, mentorship, monthly support groups, classes, and workshops, ​to address spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.

Let’s Talk

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contact us about ways to Donate




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Bo​ok a Session

Mindset Shift Training

5 Mindset Change Modules

2 Monthly Accountability calls

1 3-month After Check-In Call

Affirmation Workshop

5 Steps Affirmation Module

Create Specific Positive Affirmations To Speak Over Yourself

Learn Scripture Of What God Says About You

2 Monthly Check-In Calls.

mentorship Coaching

These are individual

one-on-one sessions

Support Groups

To be announced

Business Hours:

Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - Tuesday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm - Thursday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm